Electrification of longer-term construction sites

Many developers or their contractors take control of the area to be redeveloped relativley quickly once planning permission has been obtained. This often means that the requirement for onsite power is met through the use of diesel generators until a sub-station can be installed but there can be long delays in this process.

Using power direct from the national grid rather than on-site diesel generators can be a low cost solution that will reduce on-site emissions and reduce noise levels as well as reducing emissions from both plant and fuel delivery vehicles. This may then lead to further opportunities for site operators to use electric equipment rather than diesel. There may be cost saving implications with electric equipment having less components requiring maintenance.

Site electrification

A significant barrier to the electrification of long-term construction sites is the amount of time it takes for UK Power to install a suitable sub station from the time that work commences. Better communication between the developer and the power supply companies would lead to less dependency on traditional generator use.

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