LLECP 'Best in Class' Guidance Document

The London Low Emission Construction Partnership produced a 'Best in Class' guidance document to condense the information and learning from both rounds of the project funded by the GLA through the Mayor's Air Quality Fund. This document is designed for use by borough environmental health and planning officers as well as developers and their contractors and aims to better understand and encourage the uptake of low emission approaches. 

What is ‘Best in Class’ emission reduction?


Existing guidance, such as the GLA's SPG: The control of dust and emissions from construction and demolition and that produced by the Institute of Air Quality Management give advice and sets minimum standards required at all developments.

The new ‘Best in Class’ guidance encourages uptake of low emission approaches that will further reduce the impacts on worker exposure, local air quality and the environment

You can download a copy of the report here

The report was launched at City Hall in March 2019 at the 'Low Emission Construction for London' seminar run by the LLECP and presentation slides from this event are available here 

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