Cleaner Machinery for London

In July 2014 the Mayor of London released a supplementary planning guidance (SPG) for The Control of Dust and Emissions during Construction and Demolition which aims to manage emissions of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from construction and demolition.

The SPG also outlined the new emission standard requirements for the world’s first low emission zone (LEZ) for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) which came into effect on September 1st 2015.

The London Low Emission Construction Partnership ran a 'Cleaner Machinery for London' event at City Hall on February 3rd 2017 to raise awareness of the air quality and health impacts of emissions from NRMM as well as allow direct feedback to the GLA about the policy and register.

Please click on the titles below to view the presentations given during the session.

Air Quality Policy for London

Elliot Treharne

Greater London Authority

London Low Emission Construction Partnership (LLECP)

Dr David Green

King's College London

NRMM – an international perspective

Urs Halter

Halter Management Ltd

The role of occupational exposure monitoring in the construction workplace

Owen Butler

Health and Safety Laboratory

Non-Road Mobile Machinery Register – updates and feedback

Daniel Marsh

King's College London

A boroughs perspective on working with the industry and enforcement

Jason Andrews

London Borough of Merton

Retrofit technology and certification

Colin Smith

Energy Savings Trust

Alternatives to diesel engines within the construction industry

Stewart Dow

Clean Fuels, BOC

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