Evelyn Street CLP Project

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The Evelyn Street project plays a key role as part of the Lewisham Council strategy to manage and reduce the effects of additional road traffic and related activities directly resulting from the Deptford area regeneration.



The following map outlines the major areas of redevelopment in Deptford. 

Evelyn Street map

Development in and around the Borough between 2017 and 2026 is expected to generate a significant increase in the volume of construction traffic using the local road network, in particular Evelyn Street (A200) and the adjacent roads, leading to an increase in construction related emissions as well as those from on-road vehicles.


This causes additional concerns centred on: 
• Air Pollution (both traffic and on site machinery)
• Road safety 
• Noise
• Congestion
• Journey time reliability

To reduce the impact of air pollution from traffic congestion, the GLA identified Deptford Church Street/Broadway/Evelyn Street as an Air Quality Focus Area. The Council was successful in a bid to develop a Framework Construction Logistic Plan (CLP) that seeks to manage the impact on local air quality from construction traffic to and from developments using the Evelyn Street corridor. 

If you would like more information please email - EnvironmentalProtection@lewisham.gov.uk

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