Evelyn Street CLP Project: How will we know if its working?

To derive and ultimately validate our traffic easing strategies, it’s important to gain a full understanding of the supply chain logistics. Lewisham Council aim at monitoring the following site operations;

  • Transport away from and to the site
  • Forecasts of likely trip generation
  • Identifying the potential phased impact of delivery and waste removal trips on the road network and environment.
  • Vehicle utilisation (% fill by volume or weight) for deliveries or waste disposal.

Measurement Locations


To complement these values Lewisham Council will also measure the key environmental indicators emitted from vehicles. These include CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) and PM (Particulate Matter). The volume of pollutant emitted varies depending on the vehicle age, engine type, size and distance travelled. 

The image above is an 'AQMesh' electrochemical low cost sensor measuring the NO, NO2 and O3 made on Evelyn Street, keep an eye out for them next time you're in the area. These measurements are further supported by analysing the local background measurements taken from the London Air Quality Network sites (londonair.org.uk). You can view the latest NO2 and PM10 readings taken at the Lewisham monitoring sites here.

As a result of these actions a baseline value can be derived which will be used to measure the impact of future construction projects and intervention methods. 

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