Local authority officer

The local authority have the responsibility in making sure that any planning application complies with current regulations. For new development proposals the application will contain a number of environmental statements, at least one of which will inform you how dust and emissions from the site will be mitigated. The developer, or their environmental consultants, will have carried out a risk assessment in line with the criteria specified in the Greater London Authority's supplementary planning guidance and this will set the minimum level of mitigation to be applied.

As the regulating body it may be neccessary to request that additional measures are undertaken to reduce the risk to sensitive recepters. For medium and high risk sites it will be neccessary for continuous 'real time' monitoring to be installed across the site and for access to the data to be made available to the local authority. A boundary threshold level is set to distinguish between background particulate concentrations that we would expect to record in London and those that may be attributable to the on-site activity. In the event that this is breached an alert should be sent to the project manager, or person responsible at the site, to investigate the cause and apply additional mitigation to prevent it recurring.

When the site becomes operational you will need to make sure the the developer, or their contractor, is correctly and effectively mitigating dust and emissions to reduce the risk to those who live and work in the surrounding area. 

From September 1st 2015 any non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) used at the site will need to comply with the engine emission standards required for working in London's low emission zone (LEZ). An inventory of all NRMM should be kept on-site stating the emission limits for all equipment and this documentation should be made available to local authority officers as required. 

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